Damn White Rabbit

I Fell Down The Rabbit Hole And Never Found My Way Back Out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


            HI! I'm A.J Coleson 
Thank You taking the time to check out my NEW blogg!! I am so excited! ( could you tell?)
well Im pretty much new to all this so I ask that you all be patient with me as I get the hang of all this. right now its like a dead zone here but if it all go's how I plan it, it wont look like this for long so bare with me.
like i said Im A.J Coleson Im from California  and well there was always something in me that wanted to be artistic but sadly i can not draw to save my life but i LOVE to read so after yrs of reading i decided to try my hand at writing . now im not saying im going to jump out the gate and be GREAT. i know it takes time to think it up ,write it up ship to somebody who will most likly send it back with a PLEASE PLEASE make it BETTER!!! stamped all over it but this is what I would like to do so im going to try and hopefully you all ( or you few ) will like what I write . Now, that said what am I going to write? well I read romance I love romance but I also like Paranormal ,some light BDSM, M/M and Menage as well as M/F soo thats what im most likely going to write but i can tell you it 88% of the time be Paranormal M/M with some M/F thrown in. I do plan to write series books and if lets say its a M/M one but one of there friends is female and she is just jumping to written then yes i will include her in the series right along with the boys.I have plans to put up on my blogg little bits i write , characters i come up with, books i plan to write as well as ideas and how everything is coming along. it may be slow in coming but im going to try like mad to get there. if anyone has any questions or comments im still setting up everything but soon i should have it where you can send me emails if you dont want to post anything up here . I am as so planing on making a web page too along with a facebook page ( love facebook!)  I might even break down and make a TWITTER page too but that will only be after everything is going smoothly ( Hmm... doubtful as almost everything in my life is non smooth) As i have said i love paranormal romance  i have to say my fave are the wolfs and vamps lol and with that being said i will tell you which authors i love to read and wait up late to buy them on my mac book.
Stormy Glenn
Joyee Flynn
Gabrielle Evans
Lynn Hagen
Dana Marie Bell
Amber Kell
J.L Langley
Carol Lynne

Maya Banks
Christine Feehan
J.R. Ward
Nora Roberts
J.D Robb
Laurell K. Hamilton
Kay Hooper
Catherine Coulter
Julie Garwood
Christina Dodd
Christine Warren
Catherine Anderson ( just love her ! no problem you cant over come with love)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

along with many many more and to believe I HATED to read until i was 16 ?? now i have books every where my nook,kindle, laptop, and bookshelves.. i found books opened a door for me one I always hated to return from .. books can take you places , teach you new things, make you cry, laugh,scream make you feel angery , horror , happy or sad they are simply wonderful to me is it any wonder I wanted to try my hand at writing one?

I was born to a single mother 26 years ago who to me was a wonderful mother. she is a caring person who taught her child to never judge others by the clothes they wear, the music they like , who they pray to or who they love. you should simply judge them on how they act and treat others and that every one should get a second chance but even that doesnt mean they should be given respect until they earn that respect and trust back. she also taugh that child a hard leasson ( one she still to this day can seem to really do ) is that some people simply need to be let go. 
my mother tried her very best to also teach her child that you cant have everything you want ( lets just say I  zoned out on that teaching because im very spoiled ;p )
she also taugh that every one has a right to have there say even if we dont like what they happen to be saying or if there wrong, wrong, wrong. yes my mother taught me alot and isnt it funny but  as a child you never really remember when they teach you these things or that you learned them at all until one day you realize that they infact DID teach them to you you just didnt know they were lol parents are sneaky that way. I myself cant seem to find time to teach my 2 boys ANYTHING lol i often wonder if in years to come I'll look back and go " oh , yeah I wanted to teah you that I just didnt know WHEN" children seem to grow up so fast my oldest will be 8 next month and its all been a blink for me. my youngest is already 2 ! I still cant believe that one.
it was only yesterday the 8 yr old let me pick out his clothes now its "eh, Nooo that looks dumb and everyone will think im stupid if i go looking like that" that or he pouts ..YES he is a boy and pouts better them most girls but hey at least he doesnt CRY,WHINE or SCREAM when he doesnt get his way and i do have to say this for only 8 he doesnt pout very often because most times hes really very good ...until its time for homework and getting up for school lol.. my 2 yr old is a one and only i think they broke the mold when he was made. in some ways he is just like his brother ( the pouting) only he go's one step further and just stops and drops what ever he is doing or holding then flops to the floor and igore's the world ..that and only 2 he is in my way of thinking the best at pretending he is asleep 
only since he is 2 it works in my favor because he doesnt know that people just dont drop like that plus he does it with me in the room looking right at him lol kids they make life very interesting thats for sure. Well now that I have told lots of family stories and I have wrote like I talk ( which is ALOT) im going to go and jump on it all lol

Quotes That I Like:

" You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" - Dr. Seuss

"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." - Brandi Snyder

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
Dr. Seuss

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”'- Robert A. Heinlein

"A hard man is good to find."-Mae West

Everybody's journey is individual. If you fall in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy. The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality.
James Baldwin

If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.
Johann von Goethe

I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being... by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.
Paul Newman

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